21 May 2024

CANdiLab members participate, present, at the 10th biannual SSSP Conference in Paphos, Cyprus

CANdilab Director Matthew Shane and MSc candidate Corina Picco presented findings from several research projects at the 10th biannual conference for the Society for the Scientific Study of Psychopathy in Paphos, Cyprus.


Corina's accepted poster presented preliminary findings from a collaborative project with researchers from Brock and Lakehead universities. The project sought support for the Fear Enjoyment Hypothesis of psychopathy by evaluating facial expressions in response to jump scare moments in a scary video game. 


Matt presented a talk within a symposium on Motivational Hypotheses of Psychopathy within which he provided an overview of recent developments in the lab, and gave a first glimpse into hot-off-the-press data from the ECT-MRI1 study on the neural underpinnings of virtuous and nonvirtuous motives for empathy in individuals with varying levels of psychopathic traits.


Undergraduate alumni Kirsten Stewart also had a poster accepted at the conference, which suggested that individuals with heightened psychopathic traits use of empathy is undertaken strategically, and with consideration of the power dynamics inherent within a situation. The accompanying manuscript was recently submitted for review in a high-level journal.


Congratulations to all CANdiLab members who participated in the conference, and for all of the exciting work coming out of the lab!


CANdiLab is the Clinical Affective Neuroscience Laboratory for Discovery and Innovation at Ontario Tech University